This can either be a scheduled update that was configured when calling SYSPROC. SYSTS_CRTCOL, or a manual update by calling the UPDATE stored procedure. 更新过程可以是一个调用SYSPROC.SYSTSCRTCOL配置的定时更新,也可以是通过调用UPDATE存储过程进行的手动更新。
Your device does not support integrated calling functionality. Please use your phone's manual calling features to call: { 0} 您的设备不支持集成的呼叫功能。请使用电话的手动呼叫功能呼叫:{0}
Manual meter reading is time and labor-consuming, and the poor accuracy has caused great difficulties in management of power consumption, so as charging for power is limited to charge by calling at home collecting or fixed net to pay the fee. 人工抄表费时费力,且准确性差,给用电管理带来很大困难。而对于电费缴纳,也仅限于收费员登门收取和固定网点缴费。